Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pictures from the cabin

Every year Broc's Grandparents rent a cabin in Island Park for the week after Christmas and his whole family (aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents) goes up there and stays. Its really fun but crazy with all the kids running around. Broc's mom and John usually rent a cabin to for our family to stay in, which is nice because the Crapo family is getting so big! We all had so much fun this year! Broc's brother, Hadley and his family came and it was so nice to get to spend time with them. We rode snowmachines, played games and ate lots of good food. Here are some pictures from the cabin.
This is Broc's sister Kenzie pulling us on the sled behind the snowmachine. Lexie had so much fun on the sled she kept laughing and yelling "weeee" when we went over the bumps. Kenzie did such an awesome job pulling us on the sled we didn't tip over once!
So I look kinda scary in this picture cuz I don't have ANY make-up on but Broc looks hot! I love his blue eyes!
This is Broc's little Maycee, isn't she cute?!
Lexie with her aunt Kenzie or "kennee" that's how Lexie says her name.
It's so cute, she LOVES Kenzie!
This was so funny cuz Jete and Lexie were getting ready to go for a ride and as I was going to take a picture of them Jete just tipped over. Luckily he didn't get hurt but it was so funny!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Birthday Baby!

I went to the Doctor today for my first prenatal visit. They didn't really do much at this appointment besides tell me that I am pregnant! (like the 5 at home tests I took didn't already tell me that!) They also told me that my due date is...........................August 29!!! Which if you didn't know, is me and Mandy's Birthday!!! It is also my aunt LaNae's birthday! I just laughed when she told me that. When I told her that it was my birthday she said, we could induce you on that day if you want. thanks! Sorry, that's not really my idea of fun on my birthday, besides I want our baby to have his/her own birthday. Anyways that's pretty much all that happened at today's appointment my next appointment should be pretty cool because they will do the first ultrasound and we'll get to hear the heartbeat!